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The impact of TOG value on your baby’s sleep: a complete guide

The impact of TOG value on your babys sleep


A good sleeping environment is important to let your baby sleep safely. This way you prevent it from being hypothermic or overheating. But how do you know whether your baby is not too hot or too cold in his bed? TOG values ​​are a useful tool for choosing the right clothing and bedding in warm and cold periods.

What is the TOG value?

The TOG value is a direction that clearly indicates how good clothing or bedding retains heat. The abbreviation TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade. The higher the TOG value, the less heat can escape through the textile. The lower the TOG value, the easier heat escapes. Blankets with a high TOG value are therefore very warm, and blankets with a low TOG value retain less heat and are therefore cooler.

Why is the TOG value important?

It is important that your baby is neither too hot nor too cold. A baby cannot yet regulate its body heat properly. In addition, he cannot turn off the covers or take off clothes if he gets too hot. By choosing blankets and clothing with the correct TOG value, you prevent the baby from being too hot or too cold.

A baby who is too hot or too cold often does not sleep well. The TOG value can therefore also influence your baby’s night’s sleep (and therefore also your own!)

Where can I find the TOG value?

The labels of blankets, sleeping bags and swaddle blankets often describe the TOG value. It is a voluntary system and a guideline, so there is no mandatory legislation and you are free to participate.

Which TOG value at which temperature?

The maximum recommended TOG value depends on the temperature in the baby’s room. built-in you can see which TOG value is recommended at different temperatures. Take into account the TOG values ​​of the clothing that your baby wears under the bed linen, add these together to arrive at the underground TOG value.

TemperatureMaximum TOG valueBed linen
Up to 16 degrees4.0Sleeping bag + blanket with sheet
16 to 20 degrees3.0Sleeping bag + sheet
20 to 22 degrees2.0Thin blanket with sheet
23 to 24 degrees1.0Diaper with sheet or diaper with romper
25 degrees or warmer0.5Only a diaper

Average TOG values

These are the average TOG values ​​of baby clothes & bedding:

Body without sleeves or with short sleeves0,2 TOG
Sheet0,2 TOG
Cotton baby suit1,0 TOG
Blanket 1 layer1,5 TOG
Thicker blanket2,0 tot 3,0 TOG
Swaddling cloth0,2 – 2,9 TOG
Summer sleeping bag0,3 – 1,0 TOG
Winter sleeping bag2,5 – 3,5 TOG
Duvet8,0 TOG*

As you can see, a duvet is still too warm for children up to two years old and is therefore not recommended

Common sense vs. TOG value

These TOG values ​​are a tool, but not a law. Always listen to your own feelings and use your common sense. If your baby is sleeping, feel his neck after a while. If it is warm and dry, the temperature is absolutely right. If the neck feels damp and clammy, your baby is too warm.

TOG value Cloby Multifunctional Teddy Blanket.

Our multifunctional teddy blankets have a TOG value of 2.5. and can therefore be used for many months a year!